8051 Source Page

This is the (unofficial) archive of the 8051 source code mailing list <8051code@keil.com>. The '8051' is a microcontroller used embedded in systems like TV-sets, fax machines, modems, engine or ABS controls, washers....

More code examples are in the new 8051 Wiki. You can post your code-snippets there too. Comments can go to the 8051-Guestbook

From the maintainer of the mailing list (Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 17:24:04 -0600):

And pay attention to the message limit of 100kByte: ihex.zip dump code in Intel HEX to serial port, A51, by squest@cris.com (Steve J. Quest) iserial.zip interrupt driven serial I/O, Keil C51, by jonw@keil.com (Jon Ward) bin2bcd.zip long to bcd conversion, A51, useable by C51, by fmayr@electronic.tu-graz.ac.at (Friedrich Mayr) bin2asc.zip converts 4 Bit Binary To ASCII-HEX, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John Wren) charlcd.zip LCD-driver for Hitachi HD44100/HD44780, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) crc8.zip CCITT-8 CRC, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) crc16.zip CCITT-16 CRC, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) autobaud.zip auto baudrate detection, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) cmd.zip command interpreter for the serial port, Keil C51, by jonw@keil.com (Jon Ward) iserial1.zip interrupt driven serial I/O, xdata buffer, 8031, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) iserial2.zip interrupt driven serial I/O, COM1, xdata buffer, DS80C320, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) iserial3.zip interrupt driven serial I/O, idata buffer, 8031, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) iserial4.zip interrupt driven serial I/O, COM1, idata buffer, DS80C320, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) nvm.zip routines for 2 wire NVM using IIC-Bus (I²C-Bus), Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) delocal.zip DOS-executable to strip PROCs and local labels from code written by John, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) utils01.zip routines, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) ds1820.zip Simple DS1820 temperature sensor routines, Avocet AVA51, by jcwren@atlanta.com (John C. Wren) bitstuff.zip Discussion of bitstuffing, ASM, by ccslist@ewol.com (Brent Pollock) External links refering to this page

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